Royal Oaks Conservancy

If you want to change something, plant a seed, it will grow into something amazing. This is true for the Royal Oaks Conservancy organization’s goal to bring together not just a park but a community. I learned about Royal Oaks through my internship at the graphic design studio Visual Voice in Maryville, Tennessee. They came in hopes of helping spread the word about their goal for their neighborhood. The goal is to convert a closing golf course into a park for the community. However, the first question I asked was, what is a conservancy? A conservancy means a body concerned with nature preservation, but in this case, it was to help preserve their neighborhood. Through this meaning, I entertained the idea of an oak tree helping bring together the community between the branches. They had faith in my idea, so I started by finding a tree to draw out a small logo for them to use. I incorporated the aesthetic of crisp, clean, and natural for an effective logo. I then decided I would create three collateral pieces a brochure, postcard, and business cards. I felt these pieces would better spread the word inside the community. For the brochure, I had the idea of a unique inside with text in between the limbs, so I masked out a tree that would fit the bill. After masking, I created the outside of the brochure, which focused on the photography side of the piece. The inside displayed information on why to support their cause and how to help. I reused the masking tree photo for the one-sided postcard. The reason was so the tree can split the information of when the first meeting will take place and a small text blurb. The business cards were a standard front and back, with both clients receiving one. However, before sending for client review, I had a great idea! A donation meter to help track donations funds for the theme I used a thermometer. I then sent it in for client review and made a few small changes. Overall, this project helps me Branch out on my skills.

Riley's Portfolio


There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for