Tall Giraffe Wine Branding

Branding is an important, and necessary skill in today’s design world. My first branding experience doing a class project for a fictional African wine company named Tall Giraffe for their Boudreaux wine. The requirements were a logo, label, and mockups for the made-up company. My first instinct was to Research Africa, Wine, Alchohol Advertisements, and of course….Giraffes! I noticed most wine labels and advertisements’ logos were very prominent to show off the brand name. So I looked at some winery logos and African-themed logos. At first, I was having trouble coming up with a logo, but a friend gave me an idea that I expanded on. I finally came up with a minimalistic logo of a giraffe, with the name Tall Giraffe to the right of it. However, I took it farther by outlining its legs into a wine bottle. I then added a yellow and A burgundy wine color to the logo. Next was the wine label and the concept for it. I had an idea to make a unique circular shape that involves a yellow stroke, with the inside being a diagonal sunstruck pattern. I then added the alcohol type, content, and liters. I then found and created mockups to display the wine logo and label in a real setting. I did an extra challenge by creating a billboard to emulate branding in a real-world assignment. Overall, this was a learning experience for me in branding and I didn’t WINE too much about it.

Riley's Portfolio

There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for